Strategies for Teaching Individuals with ASD to Engage in Better Conversations

Learning to engage in social contexts is a skill that individuals are expected to learn naturally in childhood through interactions with peers. However, many individuals struggle to engage their peers in mutually satisfying interactions.
The questions addressed by this course include:
How can we teach individuals of all ages to better attend to cues important to social interactions?
Is social engagement a skill that can be taught?
How may perspective-taking be assessed?

Three social skills will be examined using applications of recent research: perspective-taking, delivering compliments, and conversation initiations. Behavior analysts can expect to learn new strategies and receive tools for implementation. This course was designed to be immediately applicable to behavior analysts working with any individual who struggles with social interactions.

Target Audience: BCBA/BCaBAs

This course is 3 General-type CEUs and is designed to take 2 hours and 30 minutes

If more time is needed, an additional reading is provided at the end of the course. Users are asked to verify their time spent in the survey at the end of the course. Please be sure to complete this survey.