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Data Interpretation Response Suggestions
Consider what the data tell Brooke about the order in which supervisees develop skills. Should she consider teaching certain skills earlier or later? | It might make more sense to develop Consultation skills after more basic skills are developed. For many, the Applications of DTT did not reach a meaningful level of experience until after the 6-month measurement. This experience and training should probably be provided earlier in the experience. |
Are the outcomes shown in the post-measurement acceptable? Why or why not? | The low ratings for behavior reduction interventions and assessment should be looked at right away. The Application of DTT is also low. More information is needed on the low-rated experience categories. Using Application of DTT as an example, it might be that one respondent in particular did not have the DTT opportunities that he/she needed or there may be an item that focuses on an aspect of DTT Applications that was rated low for most respondents. |
Identify a way in which the positive and critical feedback provide a suggestion for change. | The respondents like the BST trainings and also state that there are not enough trainings. Brooke could increase her BST training modules to deliver more throughout supervision. One such module could be on how to train others (perhaps even supervisees who are less experienced). |
Any other comments about these data? | This is a good start, but the sample size is still quite low. Brooke might wait for her post administration to get closer to 15 or 20 before she begins making larger-scale adjustments. These data do not include details regarding each category. For example, the supervisor may learn more about the reported lack of knowledge in behavior reduction programs by examining the individual questions in each category or conducting follow-up interviews. Brooke might consider switching from rolling admission into the supervision program to a cohort-based method. This will allow her to pace administration of trainings and experiences using small groups of supervisees. |