Scenario 2 Escape Extinction Solutions


Problem-solving prompt Your response Response example
Problem or risk If the client’s behavior is escape-maintained, denying the bathroom breaks could lead to an extinction burst, extinction-induced aggression, and emotional behavior.
Relevant ethical codes 2.13 Selecting, Designing, and Implementing Assessments – Some variation of a functional analysis should be conducted at the job site prior to making treatment recommendations
2.14 Selecting, Designing, and Implementing Behavior-Change Interventions – An escape extinction procedure is not part of the current plan
2.15 Minimizing Risk of Behavior-Change Interventions – Escape extinction is a highly restrictive procedure for an environment such as a job placement, which is low-restrictiveness

Treatment considerations To stay ethical and effective, Carol will need to make some quick decisions and give the problem the attention it requires. Carol can visit and make a definitive determination regarding the function. If it is escape, she might consider ways in which the job tasks could be more engaging for the client, such as providing continuous arbitrary reinforcement (headphones), NCR for escape (scheduled breaks), and contingency-based progressive delay to create greater temporal distance between requests to use the bathroom.