Increasing Staff-Consumer Interactions in Group Homes

Residential programs are where many adult clients spend most of their time. Behavior analysts who work in these setting have a unique set of challenges, not the least of which is engaging staff in treatment initiatives. This article course takes an honest look at some of the challenges and solutions available for making residential setting better for clients.

Ruby, S.A. & DiGennaro Reed, F.D. (2022). Evaluating the effects of technology-based self-monitoring on positive staff-consumer interactions in group homes. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 15:804-814.

Target Audience: BCBA/BCaBAs

This course is 2 General-type CEUs and is designed to take 1 hour and 40 minutes

If more time is needed, an additional reading is provided at the end of the course. Users are asked to verify their time spent in the survey at the end of the course. Please be sure to complete this survey.