Decision-Making Skills: Scenario 1

Your response Response example
Was this response problematic with regard to ethics, professionalism, or the client’s treatment program?

Not allowing access to escape

Yes. Rather than address the motivating operations, the RBT used a restrictive procedure, escape extinction, without an assessment or authorized treatment plan. The response caused a behavioral escalation which included new behaviors in addition to escape. With regard to professionalism, the response supported a belief that ABA is controlling and restrictive.
When/how might feedback be delivered by the supervisor?

Redirect to functional communication, alternative choices, break.

Immediately – this response should not be repeated at the next session. The supervisor can suggest non-contingent breaks and increasing reinforcer delivery for task completion
What types of additional training might improve this supervisee’s performance?

Deescalation strategies

Training in options for addressing noncompliance and also options for adapting programs when the client is having an off-day. In general, the supervisee might benefit from an opportunity to analyze motivating operations and come up with options for how to address various MOs.