Trauma-Informed Behavior Analysis

Key Element 1: Identification of Trauma

As the name implies, trauma-informed care begins with acknowledging past experiences.  The

Key Element 2: Creating a Safe Environment

A safe environment means one in which stimuli paired with trauma are minimized or presented in a teaching capacity. 

In a Nutshell: Compassion

The TIC approach may be summarized as compassionate.  A person who experiences trauma is in greatest need of compassion, but all clients may benefit from services that make compassion a priority.  Here are some defining features of compassionate ABA services that will be covered in more detail in the topics that follow:

  • Least restrictive intervention
  • Assessment that considers fear responses in conjunction with functional relations
  • Identification of triggers
  • Training staff to better engage with clients
  • Modeling authenticity and care for everyone’s well-being
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