Behavior is Purposeful

Why do we engage in behavior?

Smartphone man makes callWhat would it mean to sit and do nothing?  Is this even possible?  Even when we talk of “doing nothing” we are typically still doing something, such as watching TV, engaging with online material, or even just laying still but thinking about the day (thinking is a private event, but still behavior).

Behaviors have purpose, all of them.  Depending on the context and the person, the same behavior can serve several different purposes.  Consider all the purposes the behavior of calling a friend may serve.

  • to ask for a favor
  • to find out information
  • to engage in a social interaction
  • to put off doing housework
  • to prevent the friend from feeling neglected because you having called in awhile

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Behavior Functions

In ABA, the purpose of behavior is referred to as the behavior’s function.  There are two basic categories of functions.


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Sensory stimulation




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Escape / Avoid

Sensory stimulation




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Review the functions and examples in the table below.

Obtain sensory stimulationJoey sings in the shower when he is feeling happy. Juan bites his nails as he waits for class to start.
Escape/avoid sensory stimulationKeisha shuts her phone off on Sundays to help her rest.When it begins to rain, Jean opens an umbrella.
Obtain attentionJames gets a haircut before the class reunion. Kyle post a picture of his cat to his social media account.
Escape/avoid attentionAaron provides an excuse for why he cannot eat lunch with his co-workersThomas changes the subject when Karen asks about his job
Obtain tangiblesGina works overtime to buy a new car.Jess asks the waiter for a glass of water to wash down her pasta.
Escape demandsChris pretends not to hear his wife when she ask him to take out the trash.Joyce tells her boss she is sick so she can stay home from work.